2 research outputs found

    Quaternary global change: review and issues(Special issue in memory of Hugues Faure)

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    The French National Committee of INQUA, the IGCP Project n° 459 (Carbon Cycle and Hydrology in the Paleo Terrestrial Environments),the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), the CCGM (Commission de la Carte Géologique du Monde), the IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement), and the BRGM (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières) have organized in June 2004 a special International Colloquium dedicated to the memory of Hugues Faure who passed away in May 2003. It was the occasion to make a review and to emphasize new results and issues on the different topics initiated by Hugues and his collaborators. It was also a chance for all his colleagues and friends to remember a rare human being and a great scientist, passionately involved in the observation and understanding of the planet, which he called “the real world”, and assuming his destiny up to the end. The Scientific committee of this colloquium has decided to publish a special issue of Global and Planetary Change with some selected papers presented during this colloquium. This GPC special issue includes some of the papers presented at this colloquium and some invited papers from scientific personalities who wished to contribute to this special volume. The general theme of the special publication in honour to Hugues Faure is the Quaternary and the Global Changes. It will focus on the global cycles and Quaternary climate (3 papers), sea-level fluctuations, tectonics and climate variations (3 papers), climate changes in terrestrial records (9 papers), and man, environment and global change (4 papers). A total of 20 contributions, including a foreword on Hugues Faure, are proposed by the participants of this colloquium

    Hugues Faure, 1928–2003: The unique adventure of his life

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    Hugues Faure was not only one of the greatest pioneers of the study of the Quaternary and a man of outstanding personality, with the highest integrity, an uncommon strength of character, with a lot of kindness and generosity, but also a man who made his dreams, conceived in the inhospitable solitudes of the Sahara, come true. He was very young when he chose his way: barely 10 years old and his passion for geology already filled his life. It was in Africa, a continent he discovered at his earliest years as a field-geologist, and deeply loved, that he nursed and matured many of his most stimulating ideas on Quaternary environmental change. It was in the desert that he built up his exceptional personality and found his truth, which finally allowed him to accomplish his destiny. Hugues Faure was born in Paris, on the 11th March 1928, the son of a jeweller. The comfortable circumstances of the family were darkened by his father's death when Hugues was only 3 years old. As a consequence of this sad event, Hugues used to spend in England most of his school holidays far from his family. Then during World War 2, he lived the exodus on the roads of France, cycling under the bombs, with his dog in his basket. He was 12 years old, and it was the end of his youth. His passion for earth sciences had began before the age of ten, when he started collecting flint and fossils from the chalk of the Paris Basin, and decided to stop playing piano, so as to devote himself to Geology. Hugues graduated in Mathematics from Lycée Jacques-Decour in 1948, and in Sciences from the Faculté des Sciences de Paris Sorbonne in 1949. On the same year he enrolled as a geologist of the “France of Overseas”, then as a hydrogeologist at the French Geological Survey (BRGM) (1949–1963), so as to work in Africa